An Elusive Goal

I think an elusive goal for me was finishing my Bachelors degree. When the college switched systems I failed to notice that I had received an incomplete in one of my classes which almost caused me to not graduate on time. It had slipped my mind with my hectic schedule and my full load of classes I was taking. The professor said it was ok for me to hand in the missing work I needed for the class but the college felt that I had an efficient amount of time to finish the work and I called to do so. They were going to make me retake the class I had sat in for a whole semester over 1 essay. I had to go to doctors to look up past appointments and illnesses and write several notes pleading my case of why I was unable to finish the work in the time allowed. Without this class I was unable to graduate and it would put my whole future on hold. The college thankfully decided to allow me to receive a grade for this particular class. I thought I was in the clear to graduate until I received a letter from the school telling me I did not complete my lazar requirements. This class I fought so hard to receive permission to get a grade for was my requirement I needed but when the school changed from esims to cunyfirst the department didn’t tell registrar the classes were interchangeable. Once again I had to plead my case to the school when I thought I was through with the headache of not being eligible to graduate. Their reasoning was that the department never notified the school it was reciprocal therefore it wasn’t there problem and had to take it up with the department itself. It was two weeks before graduation and I didn’t know if I was able to walk. It was the worst feeling ever because this time it wasn’t my fault why I wouldn’t be able to graduate. Thankfully the office I went to was able to tell registrar right away that they would accept my class for the requirement. My goal of finishing my BA in 4 years felt so unattainable my last semester but everything thankfully worked out. I learned a very valuable lesson. NEVER wait around till the last minute to complete something, try to do everything in advanced because once you let it build up you’ll spend forever trying to dig yourself out of a hole!

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