Let’s see, if I had to choose one memorable teacher I think that it would be my high school FACS teacher, Ms. York. When I was in 10th grade I took my first FACS class which was Gourmet Foods. I was the youngest student in the class, since most of the students were Juniors and Seniors so I was very quiet and shy. I really enjoyed all the projects that we did and how most of the work was based on presentation. One of the things I remember most about the class was how to make a palm tree out of a carrot and a pepper. I was hooked after that class and winded up taking every FACS class my school had to offer. Ms. York was the main FACS teacher while I went there so for three years I was in her classes and winded up taking an Independent Study with her where I demonstrated the cooking labs. She was the main reason why I chose to pursue a career in FACS education.
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Wow such a lovely teacher who offered you the foundations of our career choice FACS.
I am telling you we are the examples why children do well