Common Core Standards and APPR

To the average person the words Common Core Standard and Annual Professional Performance Review may not mean much and some may not even know what they mean but for an educator these words are crucial. Before writing this blog I heard about these two things but did not really know what they were. After doing a little investigating this is what I have found.

The Common Core Standards was developed to improve reading and math standards for preparing students for college. These standards were created to provide a clear understanding of what the students are suppose to be learning. Teachers should know that with this students will be required to learn more specific content knowledge as wall as demonstrate a deeper understanding for the material.

The APPR or Annual Professional Performance Review is very important for teachers to know about. This is an evaluation for every teacher each year. The idea for this is to improve students learning through improving teacher performance. APPR will not only be for main subject teachers but for all electives and librarians as well. Every teacher should know about APPR so they can prepare themselves to be evaluated with no surprises.

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